Spending a day immersed in nature restores us, but it can also be overwhelming to the senses. So when you return to the lodge each night, you need your creature comforts taken care of. When you join us in the lodge after a day’s adventure, it’s like returning to a little outpost of civilization in the middle of nowhere.

It’s a time to sit around the table and share stories with other travelers. It’s an inimate gathering where we eat and drink and relax, sharing food that was raised right here on the land and prepared in our own gourmet kitchen, along with fish and game and fresh-baked bread.

Each day we share adventures in the wilderness, flying and seeing and touching and doing things together that we never imagined. But it may be at the dinner table, each night -- when guests and family come together to share stories -- that each of us truly becomes a part of the ongoing story of Ultima Thule.

After dinner, we part ways. Some sit by the fire sipping wine, or gaze out at the moon on the river. Others hurry off down the path to relax in our wood-fired sauna, part of a long Alaskan tradition of comfort and hospitality.

By evening’s end, we have each returned to our private cabins. Here in your cabin, looking around you, you know that every indulgent touch of civilization -- the plush beds, books, writing desks and woodstoves -- all of it was chosen by the Claus family and flown hundreds of miles into the wilderness to transform each cabin into an oasis of comfort at the center of this great adventure.

So when you awaken the next morning, you feel recharged -- and ready once again for a day’s adventure.